As you may (or may not) know, I'm now officially a KDE developer, and 
Cookbook is in the kdenonbeta CVS module. 
( , this page is a bit out of 
date, since I've been adding lots of nice goodies and haven't bothered to 
update my webpage :)

It's stable, but won't be in 2.2, because it didn't make the freeze, hence 
the reason it's in kdenonbeta. But just because it's not in the release 
doesn't mean that Debian users should be deprived of its wonderfulness, does 
it? :)

I develop on a Sid box, so it shouldn't be any trouble to get it to build. I 
know nothing about making debs, and would rather spend my time improving 
Cookbook than muddle through making a deb and probably do a bad job... is 
there anybody who could do this?


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