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On Tuesday,  7. August 2001 08:55, Alex Jacques wrote:
> Anyway, I'll be the first to admit that this was pilot error. Nevertheless
> I think it would be nice to at least warn people about this conflict during
> package install. I suppose this might also affect the xdm and gdm packages.
> However, in the overall scope of this packaging effort this is but a nit.
> I'd like to thank Ivan for doing such a good (solo?) job on Debian-KDE. Qt
> is GPL'd, and peace reigns in the Linux desktop world. Looking forward to
> 2.2 release!

Then why don't they have a common start-script that starts the one mentioned 
by alternatives system. Debian has this nice system but almost nothing is 
using it :-(
So instead of heaving 4 start scripts for xdm/wdm/gdm/kdm, lets have ONE that 
starts /etc/alternatives/x-desktop-manager.
This way it would be no problem to install all four at once without having a 

It seems I am the only one thinking this way, am I?
And Woody/KDE2.2 would be the best place to make it happen, although the 
maintainter of the mentioned packages should have to agree.


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