On Saturday 15 September 2001 03:59 am, Egon Willighagen wrote:
> Hi all,
> first of all i want to congratulate the packagers for their
> great effort in packaging KDE2.2!
> I do have a problem though... when I 'su' as a regular user
> i do not have access to the local Xserver to run X-programs.
> This worked before i upgraded to KDE2.2. I'm sure it is just
> a setting somewhere, but i really do not know where to look...

I have the ultra insecure "xhost + &" in my .xsession file.  Root can access 
the X server fine.

I do have notcp for X though.

> Additionally, i would like to run software on a server at our
> university and view to output on my screen... this, ofcourse,
> does not work as well...
> Can anyone help me out?
> regards,
> Egon

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