I believe that this topic was already covered in the Debian-KDE list, 
but I can no longer find the references, even in the mailing list 
archive. Please forgive me if I have missed the obvious.

I have upgraded Libranet Linux 1.9.1 from potato to woody and 
added KDE 2.2.1 from sid. These upgrades install XFree 4.1.0.

I immediately began to experience font problems. In trying to track 
them down, I updated a number of xfonts, gsfonts, gsfonts-x11 
packages. Everything appears to be working now, except that, 
when anti-aliasing is enabled, the fonts module of KDE Control 
Center shows none of the standard 35 ``Adobe" fonts installed by 
gsfonts-x11. This is more important than it might sound because 
the ``default" font of KDE is Helvetica which is one of the 35 
``gsfonts". Not surprisingly, KDE is unhappy when it cannot find its 
default font.

If anti-aliasing is disabled, the 35 ``standard Adobe fonts" re-appear 
in the fonts list. (P.S. After each change of anti-aliasing status, 
KDE needs to be restarted.)

Bottom line for the moment: one can have anti-aliasing or the 35 
``standard Adobe fonts" but not both. Is there a way to have one's 
font cake and eat it too?

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