Robert Tilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> Where are the icons stored which are displayed in the taskbar of the panel?
> I recently added komba2 to my panel and want to give it a nice, 
> "network"-style icon but do not know what parameters to change.
> -- 
> Comments and information are appreciated.
> Flames, rants, and other miscellany are routed to /dev/null.
> Robert Tilley, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know where they are stored, but if you right-click on the icon
on the task-bar, you will get a pop-up menu.  Choose "Preferences" and
click again on the icon on the next pop-up right under the "General"
tab.  This will bring up a third screen where you can pick&choose what
ever icon you want it to be.  It even allows you to "browse" your system
to pick one that may not be in the KDE set.  I have found this the
easiest way to change the icons.

-Don Spoon-

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