Rachel Andrew wrote:

I gave up last night and then woke up this morning with a vague idea of how to fix my XFree86/KDE2.2 install issues and after several more hours of downloading I think I almost have it working....


It will now load up X on boot and give me the login prompt but the only two options I have are 'default' or 'failsafe'

Choosing failsafe gives me a Konsole window which on selecting help tells me that it is KDE release 2.2.1, so I think its there somewhere!

Does anyone know how I make the step to getting the ability to open up a KDE session back? I didn't get any errors during the install of KDE from unstable, I did
apt-get -t unstable install kde

and it seemed to be downloading and then installing all the bits I would expect so I'm guessing it is misconfigured somewhere.


This will only be partially usefull, but with give you a pointer in the right direction.

You do not say which login manager you are using.
X has its own xdm, which is rather plain and dull.
KDE had kdm, which is the default login manager for KDE, and is probably only suggested in the kde metapackage. I've not had much luck in configuring this one.
Gnome also has its own, gdm. I use this one because it seemed to find ALL the window managers/desktops automagically. Since it works for me directly from the apt-get, I have not bothered to look to much into how any of them are configured, but I have seen this issue discussed at great length both here and other Linux lists.

Whichever one you are using, the man pages list some good, and arcaic info that might be of some use. If you have the plain xdm, I would strongly recommend getting either gdm or kdm. either one is much better than xdm.

I also know that the Debian X team were working on getting all the graphical login managers to work together, but for now they each conflict with the other, so you can only have one installed on your system at any one time. I'm not sure what the timeline is for the co-operative version, but I have not seen it discussed lately.

I hope this at least gets you started in the right direction.


        John Gay

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