Hello all!!

        I was away for a time, so sorry for the delay. We have Euro
in Kde but not in all the applications in Kde, here you are
(applications that we have checked):

    Not suported:

   -Netscape, konsole

    Not fully supported:
   -Konqueror: the euro works fine in the bos where you put
th web addres, but inside forms the Euro doesn't work, very

    In other apps, it seems to work fine, kword, kmail,

    I have followed the document of Javier Sanguino and all
the threats in this list, and I think that this should be
enough to get the euro fully supported. Thans to Javier
Sanguino an all the list.

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
>         I wrote this due to a mail from javi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in the
> debain-user-spanish list. He did not write that the problem was solved
> (I gather after talking in debian-user-spanish he sent his problems
> to debian-kde).
>         I will fix this, of course :)
>         Javi
> > Hello,
> >
> >   In the previous web page (section 5.2.7) it says "....
> >
> > 5.2.7 KDE
> > FIXME: Text needed
> > It seems that KDE 2 euro support is not yet working properly.
> > More info at http://users.pandora.be/sim/euro/112/
> > ..... "
> >
> >   and that is NOT correct. KDE supports the euro and it works fine in all
> > aplications as has already been discussed several times in this list.
> >
> >  And, as Hasso Tepper has just said it was already supported in Potato,
> > something I did not know at all...:-) up to now:


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