A few quirks I've noticed:

*If I FTP somewhere, through a proxy (Squid), the FTP Site looks like a 
website (generated by Squid), rather than the usual file manager view. As 
such, I cannot upload through drag'n'drop. Is there any way to use the proxy 
for FTP File downloads, but not for File-manager (browsing, uploads) tasks? 
Or is there a way to still use the proxy, but keep the File-manager 
behaviour? I can't seem to find any settings specific to the FTP 
protocol/IOSlave... (eg; can I enable/disable Passive transfers?)

*The other quirk is probably related to Xinerama: If I drag something and 
drop it on an app in the second screen, then it's as if I dropped it onto the 
desktop - it doesn't drop into the app at all. Dragging the same link, and 
dropping on the same window, after moving it to the primary screen, works as 
it should. Are other Xinerama users experiencing the same problem?

I'm not sure which package this latter problem is a part of. kwin, maybe?

I'm still getting other quirks with Xinerama, too. Still no sign of it in the 
Control Panel, but it works - most of the time (this is with kdelibs rebuilt 
with --with-xinerama). Occasionally when I log into KDE, Xinerama smarts 
mysteriously vanish, only to reappear next time I log in. Most bizarre.

Any ideas?

. Trevor Phillips             -           http://jurai.murdoch.edu.au/ . 
: CWIS Systems Administrator     -           [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
| IT Services                       -               Murdoch University | 
| On nights such as this, evil deeds are done. And good deeds, of     /
| course. But mostly evil, on the whole.                             /
 \      -- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)                          /

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