Well if someone is collecting votes, I'll vote for the inclusion of
nas!  One of the primary reasons for still having several Windows
boxes kicking around here where I work is that the Linux X-terminals
are mute - amazing but true!  I've considered installing nas to solve
this problem, but I'm not keen on compiling kde myself.

What about a kdelibs-nas package which is a replacement for kdelibs?
(An either/or thing.)  Then it doesn't affect those who don't need it. 

Hmmm... Maybe I'll even give this a try myself when I have some extra
time (maybe after Christmas?).


On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 05:25:47PM -0800, G. L. `Griz' Inabnit wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 December 2001 12:21 am, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
> > > Why isn't the nas ouput module for artsd included in the debian packages
> > > of kdelibs?
> > > Sebastian
> >
> > Because nobody has every stated a need for it and it ties in extra
> > package dependencies.
> >
> > Ivan
> Ivan,
>       I almost jumped outta my chair when I saw this thread start. Due to the 
> fact
> that we just picked up a palette load of x-terminals. And THEY all support
> (insist on) NAS for sound. We've been battling with getting the NAS up and
> running (runs on local box, but it's being seen by the terminals yet). You
> and the KDE team have done a superb job exporting all the other sound stuff,
> so if you need someone to say "Please" before working on the NAS stuff,
> "Pretty Please, Ivan!!"   :--)
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Eric Nodwell
Ph.D. candidate
Department of Physics
University of British Columbia

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