
Since my last apt-get upgrade yesterday I logged in to KDE again
today and there were no Icons :-(

No Application (kicker, konqi etc) does show any Icons

It seems that there is a problem with libpng.

These are the messages in my .xsession-errors:

libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.2.1
libpng warning: Application  is running with png.c from libpng-1.0.12
libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and library

(repeated a hundred times...)

some more information:

I am using woody.

homer:~# dpkg -l libpng*
Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold |
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                  Version               Description
un  libpng-dev            <none>                (no description available)
un  libpng0               <none>                (no description available)
un  libpng0-altdev        <none>                (no description available)
un  libpng0g              <none>                (no description available)
un  libpng0g-dev          <none>                (no description available)
un  libpng1-dev           <none>                (no description available)
ii  libpng2               1.0.12-2              PNG library - runtime
un  libpng2-dev           <none>                (no description available)
ii  libpng3               1.2.1-1               PNG library - runtime

Does anybody know whats wrong here? libpng was always
installed/upograded through dependencies. I never deinstalled it or
something like that...


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