On Wed, 2002-01-02 at 22:32, Martins Krikis wrote:
> I'm using Woody and all my packages are up-to-date
> (with the minor SNAFU that koffice wants python-base
> and something else wants python-1.5 (or vice-versa),
> and they conflict, but I've kept everything necessary 
> for koffice and removed all other conflicting stuff).
> The problem occurs on two different machines (same packages, more or less),
> and caused my wife to utter the words "from now on I will use only
> MS Word"... she lost a full page of text (a late first save).

use reportbug to report the bug to the maintainer, this will give him a
snapshot of your box(ie what packages you have installed) and take what
you report and get a real bug report going on the issue

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