On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 07:50:48AM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 10:44:13PM +0200, Jarno Elonen wrote:
> > > It will be quite important as an interface option in KDE3, but I think
> > 
> > Great! Now that we are on it, btw, do you know:
> > 
> >  + How smoothly does the CVS version of KDE 3 beta coexist on the same
> >    computer with current 2.2 debian packages? I would very much like
> >    to test it already but haven't dared to install yet in the fear
> >    of making the currently fine working 2.2 unusable..
> I'm not sure that it does, at all. Chris?

I am still working with you on KDE 2.2 (remember) ;)

> >  + Have they announced any estimated schedule for KDE3 release on
> >    KDE mailing lists? Ie. about when can we expect official Debian
> >    packages to appear in 'unstable?'
> "When it's ready". Bear in mind, however, that KDE has the fastest
> release team/whatever known to man.

Yea, I will have to start looking at the packaging of KDE3 ASAP.

> > > these three words sum up its state in KDE2.2: "buggy as shit". I don't
> > > intend to support something that is indeed buggy as shit. Live with the
> > > odd jagged pixel.
> > 
> > :) If you say so..
> Well, by all means fix it in Qt 2.2 and KDE2.2 upstream if you want. :)

Sound like a plan to me. ;)

Chris Cheney

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