On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 05:17:08PM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> The libpng[23] screwup in unstable is now more or less resolved with
> kde{base,graphics,network} in incoming. Now, the only packages that need
> rebuilding are kdeaddons, kinkatta, kmerlin, koffice, and maybe kdetoys
> (not sure on that one - Ben?). kdelibs was installed last night.
> Thanks muchly to calc for dealing with dodgy Build-Depends, hurried
> patches, huge builds, many uploads, and me. He's been absolutely
> invaluable; KDE3 is in good hands.
> On another note, I think it's a credit to the sponsorship system that
> I'm actually able to maintain KDE2.2; it's in fact quicker for calc to
> build KDE than it is for me (AthlonXP 1800 vs P2 350; I'll have access
> to some P3 Xeons soon). Obviously DDness would be far preferable, but
> ya.

Please, have a look at #127948 (should merge #128195) 
which should be grave bugs IMHO.
Is this solved also now? I removed KDE at all in my sid.
To reinstall it, kpackage issue needs to be solved.
This is a PIV 1400Mhz, maybe I could help :)

Thanks for your efforts.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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