On Tuesday 29 January 2002 03:00 pm, Jens Benecke wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 02:34:34PM -0800, G. L. `Griz' Inabnit wrote:
> > Totally unrelated thought/question/request for input.....
> >
> > Over spring break, we're looking at putting together a small cluster here
> > in the shop. Athlon 850, dual P3 720, Duron 1 gig, Athlon 1 gig.  Is it
> > possible to use a cluster like this to compile the cvs stuff??? or am I
> > having another flashback to the 60's? (we had better drugs then!!)  :--)
> If you can get MOSIX (www.mosix.org) to run, this should be trivial. Mosix
> essentially makes a network of single CPU machines look like one big SMP
> machine. I could perhaps even join your cluster. :)
> But perhaps it would be easier just to share one NFS mount, compile
> qt-copy, kdesupport, kdelibs and kdebase on one machine, and then
> distribute the rest of the system on the other machines.

        Well, I was just thinking that if I could get mosix up and running 
with the power that it would/should allow, I could offer David or Chris
access for the 'big crunch' times. (shrug)  I'm not a programmer (any longer)
so I would like to contribute.....  if I can thru pure horsepower, so much
the better. :--)

        And yes, Jens, if you REALLY need to be part of my cluster (ooooo! now
there's a lead-in!!), yer welcome to join. :--)  But first, let me GET a

Regards, good wishes, damn .conf files anyhow!!

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