On Thursday 14 February 2002 2:26 pm, you wrote:
> On Thursday 14 February 2002 4:37 am, yugami wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jaldhar H. Vyas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <debian-kde@lists.debian.org>
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 9:44 AM
> > Subject: Re: [kde3] Appeal for help - powerful box needed
> >
> > > > So, I'm making an appeal for help in the form of access to a build
> > > > box, which must have the following:
> > > > * SSH access
> > > > * Reasonable (preferably >1gig) CPU
> > > > * A fair bit of RAM
> > > > * Decent connectivity (enough to pass KDE debs back and forth)
> > > > * A chroot for me to work in (I need Qt3, KDE3, etc, installed
> > > >   to build).
> > >
> > > *Sigh* I know how you feel.  Just building kdelibs takes 1.5GB and
> > > several hours to compile on my machine.  Currently I have about 140MB
> > > of free disk space left and thats after juggling partitions, NFS
> > > mounting /home etc. So my attempts to follow KDE development have
> > > ground to a halt.
> > >
> > > One thing you might want to look into is SourceForge has a "compile
> > > farm" perhaps they can arrange for you to be able to set up your chroot
> > > on a fast alpha or something?
> > >
> > > Of course if some kind soul out there has a good machine you could use
> > > that's even better (and if they don't mind giving me an account, I
> > > might be able to help.)
> >
> > well, I'm looking at replacing my dual 466 celeron w/ 576(?) megs of ram
> > - its not the speediest thing on the planet but when i replace it I was
> > thinking if installing buildd and having optimised builds for all my
> > packages ;)
> >
> > I have lots of disk space, I'll let you guys know if it happens soon.
> Well if you guys are looking for a build machine I may be able to help... I
> am running a Pentium III 733eb with 512mg of ram and I have a 20gig
> harddisk which I could make a fair bit of space available if required.. I
> am living in Australia and my machine runs quite consistenly through
> working hours and the night.. I also have cable access so bandwidth
> shouldnt be to much of a concern although I prolly will only be able to
> upload at 16k a second due to optus's upload speed restrictions although
> sending pakages shouldnt be to much of a problem. So the offer is there if
> you still need it?
Oh i can download at about 500k-1mg a second... if the hops between you and 
,e allow for it which you would have to see.
> Reguards
> Mark Lee

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