On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Chris wrote:

> > Do alsa-0.5 drivers actually work with libasound2 or
> > should Daniel also revert libarts-alsa and libkmid-alsa
> > to depend on libasound1 rather than libasound2 to be
> > consistent with the changed (from when Ivan Moore was the
> > maintainer) Debian-kde-alsa policy? Although I would
> > prefer to see alsa-0.9 working with Debian-kde, I am
> > willing to go along with a change back to alsa-0.5 so
> > long as it is done consistently.  But the dependency
> > mixture we have now on both alsa-0.5 and alsa-0.9
> > libraries is not right, and might be the source of my
> > midi troubles.
> As far as Woody is concerned, I think it would be
> absolutely asinine to revert to alsa-0.5 considering how
> far 0.9 has come.  I'm all for policies that ensure
> stability, but in my experience, alsa-0.9 works fine for
> most people.  Any advanced users are going to want 0.9
> anyways and people running servers don't care about
> sound.  Furthermore, what is now "alsa-0.9" is now in the
> 2.5 kernel and I suppose you could say that alsa-1.0 is
> going to be in the 2.6 kernel eventually.  Is this going to
> cause problems for people using alsa-0.5 libraries?  If so,
> I think this choice is clearly wrong.

I agree, but Daniel is a volunteer so we have to gently coax him to do the
right thing....;-) Already, there are signs that the Debian maintainer of
alsa is moving completely to 0.9 (or 1.0).  The default packages (without
suffix version numbers) are 0.9 while the special packages have a suffix of
0.5.  So in any case I think the alsa-dependent Debian-KDE packages will
soon be forced to go completely to 0.9 as well.

For now, I would be satisfied if we either support 0.5 or 0.9, but having
kmix depend on a 0.5 library and kmid depend on a 0.9 library (and
optionally the 0.5 libesd-alsa0 library) is clearly wrong.

The bottom line is that on my machine pmidi works fine, but kmid does not.
Furthermore, nobody has reported a success with the current kmid (either
with alsa 0.5, alsa 0.9 or even OSS drivers), and the previous (6 months ago
was the last time I tested) Debian kmid worked fine. Therefore, I suspect
that the current kmid build has been misconfigured, and if so I hope that
Daniel gets that straightened out.


phone: 250-727-2902     FAX: 250-721-7715
Dr. Alan W. Irwin
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3055,
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8W 3P6

Linux-powered astrophysics

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