On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 16:28, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> Greg C. Madden wrote:
> > Last time X-windows/KDE startup froze on me I found my fontpaths in
> > ~/XF86Config-4 were configured wrong. I had just loaded Abiword & was
> > trying to deal with Abiwords fontpath requirements. Fontpath issues can
> > include anti-aliasing in KDE I think.
> > 
> I actually just figured it out - I switched from using xserver-xfree86 to 
> xserver-svga and it works now.
> My only problem now is that I get "interference" sort of. When I scroll in a 
> konsole or other app there's lots of white lines that appear, usually next to 
> or 
> above that application. This also happens when an app opens or closes. Any 
> ideas?

afaik, xserver-xfree86 is for Xfree86 ver. 4.x & xserver-svga is for
Xfree86 ver. 3.x so I don't know if I am much help.
Greg C. Madden
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0

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