Am Freitag, 16. August 2002 10:03 schrieb Martin Mangard:
> hello
> i tried to upgrade my kde but i think i was a "little bit" to
> careless ! 


> i'm a newbie and i use kpackage. 

I _recommend_ to use debian tools, apt, dselect, dpkg, atitude, ...

> Can someone help me? is there any command to abort the installation
> (i can not intall other software because apt always want to finish
> the kde installation)

google debian woody kde3 
first link is:

> i there a way to purge the whole kde (all aplications and libraries)
> so that i will have a clear state.

man apt-get
man dpgk
take at look at remove and purge

> please help me
> martin
> ps: i am a newbie so do not laugh at me ;-)

The basic two steps are:
1. to know what exactly to do get informations (mailling-list archives, 
google, ...)
1. if you know what you do. do it!

best regards

(°>  Stefan Keul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -(°)  -(°)
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