Op Mon, 19 Aug 2002 22:23:27 +1000
Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef:

> (Note: I'm not subscribed to -kde, so please CC me on all replies).
> Hi all,
> I've uploaded some semi-official (as in, cleared with Chris) KDE 3.0.3
> packages to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which should propagate to
> ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.0.3/Debian soon, and then to your
> favourite mirror. All the packages are in there, even kdegames and
> friends (which will promptly disappear if other-Daniel makes his own,
> ditto Ben). The new sources line is:
> deb http://your.mirror.here/pub/kde/stable/3.0.3/Debian ./

Why are there no source packages?
Or are they planned to upload in the near futere?

    **> Never let a computer see you hurry. <**

  __  /*-    Rob Lensen    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    -*\  __
  \ '/          Enschede, The Netherlands                \' /
  \/            http://www.bsdfreaks.nl                       \/

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