Am Sonntag, 1. September 2002 03:10 schrieb Andre Pfeiler:
> > > > > i am running kde 3.0.3, my only problem is, that i often use
> > > > > midnight commander hotkey strg+alt+s  for searching in a direcoty
> > > > > for a filename, now Konsole 1.1.3 KDE 3.0.3, has strg+alt+s hotkey
> > > > > for renaming the Konsole sessionname, it is possible to deaktivate
> > > > > this hotkey?
> > > >
> > > > Launch konsole, open dialog: 'settings' -> 'configure shortcuts ...',
> > > > find 'Rename Session' here and select 'none' or 'custom'. That's all.
> > >
> > > i am confused, i have no 'configure shortcuts' settings. what could be
> > > the problem? anybody knows?
> >
> > Where are your binaries from? Calc's debs, or home-compiled or other?
> > Only thing i can think of is broken installation (kdelibs and/or
> > kdebase).
> >
> > Btw., i'm on 3.1 here, but 3.0.3 should have the dialog, too.
> >
> > > greets
> > > andre
> >
> > cheers
> >     yenar
> Yes, its debian 3.0 with kde3 binaries from .
> All other components are working well, without any Problem theonly thing is
> the Konsoles shortcut! 
 are your running kde3.1 with debian? maybe i should
 install kde3.1 on my woody!?
> thanks
> andre

i solved the problem without konsole qt menu. /usr/share/apps/konsole/*.keytab 
file for the accordingly used konsole keymap and edit the 'key...' lines for 
your needs. now, i am happy with kde3.0.3. 

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