A problem that I have had with kmail in kde 2.0 and am now having with kmail 
in kde 3.0.3 is that it takes up lots of CPU time when launching gpg.

When I do an operation that causes GPG to take some time (IE re-calculating 
the trust db because new signatures have been received for some keys) then 
kmail apparently goes into a spin loop waiting for a response from gpg.  The 
result is that for some minutes kmail gets 50% CPU time and gpg gets the 
other 50%.

I then tried kill -stop on the kmail process, gpg then used >90% CPU time 
until it finished it's work and I then did kill -cont on kmail and everything 
was fine.

Is there some way to reconfigure kmail to make it behave better?  Or is it 
just buggy?

I do not get viruses because I do not use MS software.
If you use Outlook then please do not put my email address in your
address-book so that WHEN you get a virus it won't use my address in the
>From field.

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