From: "Josef Spillner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sunday 15 September 2002 20:45, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
> > Got hold of libqt3-mt-dev.  That did a lot of good.  Now the error
> > message says ..
> >
> > " checking for mcopidl ... not found
> > configure: error: The important program mcopidl was not found !
> > Please check whether you installed aRts correctly."
> Install libarts-devel.
> The problem is that the KDE autoconf macros
> have been written with a full kdelibs installation in mind.
> This includes libarts-devel and libfam-dev, among others, which are not
> onto a Debian system when installing kdelibs*-dev.

Funny, I just ran across this compiling krfb yesterday, and I'm pretty sure
it's libarts1-dev.  I already had libarts-dev (not -devel).

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