Yenar Calentaure wrote:

Anyway, i did cvsup today and i am going to build packages. It is quite probable that i'll be able to upload them next week. I'll try to publish them through http, so they can be pulled by you (this will be probably the best solution for me). Beware: the line is synchronous 128kb AFAIK (or 128/64 in worst case), so download speed won't be very impressive :(.

Oops... I broke it somehow (dcop isn't working)... I'll take a look at it (i see no dcop commits lately that could break it). Probably my qt-copy packaging broke something (it is unlikely but i possible). I'll cvsup once more and will try to get working debs in coming week.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
    mail: yenar(at)
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