söndagen den 29 september 2002 14.51 skrev Paul Cupis:

> I don't know if apt will respect it, but the correct way of doing what you
> want would be for your cgi program to return a HTTP 302 code, telling the
> agent/client (apt in this case) to use a different IP/location/URI.
> If you use 302 as oppsed to 301, then the client (apt) will still go to the
> cgi program each time it is run, and not cache the new location/URI.
> The HTTP header should contain something similar to:
> HTTP/1.0 302 Found
> Location: http://a.b.c.d/~path/to/files
> If you post your code, I'm sure someone will help you modify it.

That sounds like a much better way of doing that what I am doing. Should I 
just send that stuff back?

This is my small cgi script with the name "debian":

#! /usr/local/bin/python

import os, string, ip

print "Content-type: text/html"

PATH_INFO = os.environ["PATH_INFO"]
request_uri = os.environ["REQUEST_URI"]

where = string.index(request_uri, "htbin/cgiwrap/pgd/")
newurl = "http://"; + ip.ip + request_uri[where+17:]

print "<html><head>"
print '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=', newurl, '">'
print "</html>"

The file ip.py just contains whatever is my current ip at the moment:

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