On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 07:32:45PM +0200, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> söndagen den 29 september 2002 18.59 skrev Malte Cornils:
> > * if you have an old .kde/ lying around, some apps crash. Is this supposed
> > to work or should users start again with a new .kde/ dir?
> Thats with KDE. I think it is a bad thing, but....

The question is whether one should report those bugs in detail or not.
Though I dont have too much time for those little details ATM anyway :-)

> > * some needed libs (libkhtml.la, libartsbuilder.la, ...) which are needed
> > for konqueror/arts are in the -dev packages only. If they are needed at
> > runtime, why are they in -dev?
> I don't know how to figure out exactly which libraries need the .la files 
> present and which need not. It is a little bit trial and error for me right 
> now. Some libraries that have a numeric .so-version are also loaded 
> separately. Those are the ones I have a hard time to catch.

Another one is libartsmidi.la. I have now installed all the -dev packages
though, so I probably wont find any more of those :-)

> > * kcontrol does not work at all - DCOP communication error. kcmshell
> > some_module works fine. How to debug?
> This might also be that some essential file by mistake is in a package that 
> you have not installed. Whenever I figure out which file, I put it right. 
> In general I find missing files very hard to debug with KDE, since it often 
> does not give any intelligable error message.

no, it rather seems to be bug no 46783 (upstream). However, I do have the
latest Qt from unstable, so this bug would bite all Debian users. Does
anyone have Qt3.1beta packages or more details on what would be required to
fix this?

> > * startup splash screen: is there supposed to be some text below the image?
> > if so, it is unreadable (everything is white).
> Probably the same thing.

well. Is there text on yours then? I could not find any ksplash bug for this
though :-)

> This is really strange, since I have not entered anything Swedish into the 
> build directories. I don't even use kdm. I have to check it out nearer.
> Anything is possible.

mmh, if nobody else reports this, it was probably the old kdmrc I kept from
your first packages (beta1) - this means the problem is fixed now.

-Malte #8-)

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