On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 03:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > Yes, yes, I *know* we don't support these packages, etc etc etc, but that
> > doesn't mean it's not worth coordinating to avoid these problems where
> > possible.
> Absolutely! As someone who is using "outside" debs, I have a vested
> interest in there being a clearly defined upgrade path.

Actually I think that Ben and the other people working on Debian KDE packages 
are the ones who have the greatest interest in a clearly defined upgrade 

If you use an "outside" deb and it breaks your system a bit on upgrade then 
you can just purge a few packages, rm a few configuration files, run dpkg 
--force-whatever on some installations and it'll work again.  If you have 
only one machine to maintain (I suspect that most KDE administrators only 
manage a single work-station) and you are up with KDE (know how it works and 
don't mind getting into it) then this probably isn't a great hassle for you.

I haven't reinstalled my Debian system since 1996 and it's been through much 
worse.  ;)

But the people who maintain the official debs will end up getting bug reports 
for packages they didn't create, and for bugs related to a broken upgrade 
(which can sometimes surface many months after the upgrade).

Some of this KDE stuff makes me glad I'm packaging easy things instead.  :-#

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