On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 20:53, Bruce wrote:
> Looking around a bit more, I found here is an entry under "K --> Editors --> 
> Debian --> Openoffice.org Writer". No icon. I ran "update-menus", which 
> churned over a bit, but nothing else there.
> I guess I am not sure what integration there is supposed to be; I assumed an 
> "openoffice.org" menu entry somewhere ("Office"??). Should there be 
> openoffice icons?? File associations??
> Currently, all OpenOffice.org files clicked on from Konqueror will open with 
> ark (as, of course, they are zip files)
> I am just curious as to whether this is a problem with my system, or if this 
> is just the current state of these debs.
> B.

I have one openoffice.org entry in the start application menu. All the
induvidual apps are listed under this . Under file associations Writer
is setup for .doc extensions & calc is for .xls. (KDE3.0.3) Debian
Greg C. Madden
Debian GNU/Linux

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