El Jue 03 Oct 2002 13:16, Hendrik Sattler escribió:
> Am Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2002 11:30 schrieb José Manuel Pérez:
> > Hi all.
> >
> > I've got KDE 3.0.3 and gnupg 0.13-3 from Debian unstable. I've generated
> > my
>                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Huh:
> ii  gnupg          1.0.7-2        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP
> replacement. is in testing.

Sorry, I'm wrong, I've got .... in unstable ...

ii  gnupg          1.2.0-1        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement.

> > keys and configure kmail (1.4.3) in order to use gpg, but it never signs
> > nor encripts my messages.
> In the different Profiles, there is a field for the key to use.

That's right. It was my mistake, I should read ALL fields in profile setup. 
There is one to setup this stuff.

Thanks you to everybody who send me comments. Now I can sign/encrypt my mails.

José Manuel Pérez Fuente          | Universidad del País Vasco
Punto Neutro EuskoNIX (UPV/EHU)   | E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plaza Elhuyar, 1 (Edif. Barriola) | Tel.....:  +34 943 018 281
20018 San Sebastián (SPAIN)       | Fax.....:  +34 943 219 306

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