
I'll try and help with a few of your questions, however please
don't try and evaluate Debian on the strength of KDE 3.1 Beta
or Unstable.  I do run Unstable and 3.1 Beta on a seperate partion
from my Testing/KDE 3.03.  And although KDE is Beta, it is pretty
stable as is the Unstable OS but KDE 3.1 Beta does have some problems.
(It IS a Beta!)  

> I can login in to KDE3 and run, but I don't get the menubar across 
> the bottom of the screen, so when I minimize a window, I don't know 
> how to get it back!  I'd thought 'kicker' was what I needed, but that 
> is installed fine.

kcontrol is broken ... you can try finding the appropriate settings in 
the kd...rc files, but kicker panel was hard for me to find also!  The 
default settings for that are to "not display".  To fix that, run  
kcmshell panel from a command line.  Change the Position as desired but 
most importantly change  the Length from 0% to 100%.  From memory I had 
found a way to display  that from a menu but I can't find that now!!!   
Once you have the  taskbar defined, you can get to that thru the K 

> Your secondary question was about "Välkommen"

That is the greeting that was "left" by the Swedish packager (Karolina 
Lindqvist - to be thanked for the 3.1 debs) and pgd is part of the 
login.  As far as "Välkommen" I'm  saving this for future KDM logins - 
It's a bit nicer than my English  Welcome!   As far as pgd ... you can 
define that from the kcontrol panel - login manager but since that 
doesn't work change the DefaultUser=pgd  in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc  to 
the DefaultUser=yourid that is desired for login. 


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