Ralf Nolden wrote:

three things :-)

a) Sorry....
...for the inconvenience about the Packages.gz file on the ftp server. I didn't know why I should create 8 subdirectories in a row just for a beta build and that I should have regenerated the Packages.gz file. As said, the KDE 3.1 beta2 was not correct anyway so I think this is a minor issue for now. more important is that it works for b) and c) correctly :-))
I already rearranged my packages build to use apt-source root directory, so it can be uploaded without changes next time. I'll hopefully provide packages next week (a HEAD snapshot).

b) KDE-3.0.4 Release
I'm packaging up KDE 3.0.4 for both, sid and woody. Woody gives me a bit of a problem in kdelibs-data not installing the files in /etc/kde3 there, so if you have any idea why that is, please tell me :-). The woody release will include a backport of qt-3.0.5 from unstable and a fix in kdelibs that avoids the stretching of the ktipdialog with qt-3.0.5. At any rate, qt has been compiled with -no-xft to avoid application crashes under XFree 4.1, so if
I have 4.1 (stock woody version), antialiasing and everything works fine. Err, qt 3.1 (beta 2 probably, i use qt-copy). Oh, do you have woody installation? Do you still need my builds or should i give up on them?

you're missing antialiasing and you're running XFree 4.2, take the version from unstable. Another minor change in kdebase will be that this ugly debian background logo will be away by default and be replaced with the usual debian logo in the logo field of the greeter in KDM. The default background wallpaper will be the default_blue.jpg as is stock with KDE. It's much more pleasant to the eyes and you don't want to scare away your users at the login screen already, do you ? :-)
The debian background is nice, isn't it? But i'd appreciate better debian logo for kdm logo area (the one provided is bit rough imho).

c) KDE 3.1 Release (and RC's)
When I'm done with the 3.0.4 packages, I'll switch to HEAD again and help solve the remaining issues with the packages there so we can be able to provide RC packages when they are due and final packages, too, as soon as the KDE release date is coming up and the packagers get the packages provided by Dirk Mueller as usual.
Cool, i will test them as well :).

I hope you can live with that I'm struggling a bit, but being a Debian user since 3 weeks only I hope you can live with that I try to catch up for a week :-)
Your effort is much appreciated, thanks.


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