Thank you, Gerrit. This was indeed the post i was looking for.

In the meantime it's author, Scott Zuk, sent me an email to inform me about 
the original post and give me some further information. I asked him for 
permission to put his email here on the list, but since I haven't got a reply 
by now (it's Sunday, I guess he's got better things to do than reading and 
replying to email all day!! ) here's an excerpt (I think that's legitimate) 
telling me how he handles the problem:

" I had to fix this myself by recompiling kdelibs.  You can download the 
kdelibs source tarball off the kde mirrors and check the debian/rules file.  
Look for the place where the option --with-ipv6-lookup=yes is set and change 
it to no.  Recompile kdelibs using dpkg-buildpackage, check the man page for 
any options you might need and any build depends.  You should end up with new 
debs of kdelibs that you can then install with dpkg.
Personally, I have to rebuild kdelibs for every release to get rid of this 
annoying problem. "

I will give this a try.
Hopefully this option finds its way into the (semi-)official debs soon.

Thank you, Scott. Great help!


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