On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Bruce Sass wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, tomas pospisek wrote:
> > On Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Ben Burton wrote:
> >
> > > Hi.  I do have one strong concern with experimental which may be 
> > > ill-founded,
> > > I'm not sure.  It seems there are lots of inexperienced users out there
> > > wanting to use KDE3 with debian, and I'm worried we'll have people just
> <...>
> > > My understanding is that they'll want to use pinning, but I'm not sure how
> > > much of a meal that will be to explain (having never needed to use it 
> > > before
> > > myself).
> >
> > Considering, that there are regulary emails to the list of people who do
> > install the various KDE>3 packages but obviously have their biggest
> > troubles handling dpkg, apt, dselect or aptitude your concerns are not
> > unfunded. On the other hand, what would it change from the current
> > disorder?
> How about going one step further and create software to handle the
> mechanics of pinning.  install-pin, and maybe even update-pin, sound
> like commands that are bound to come along sooner or later...
> Benefits:
>  - developers get better control over what is installed
>  - users can specify what they want, instead of how it should be done
>  - a higher level interface will allow standardizing of the ways
>    pinning is used

I think you are very wellcome to implement it - a lot of people (me
included) would like that ;-)

    ma                  will kill for oil

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