(PS: Please CC me; I'm not on the list).
(PPS: Prescript, not postscript).
(PPPS: Not GhostScript, either).

Hi all,
First off, let me apologize for apparently causing some confusion. The
3.0.3 release was the first where the debs were stored on
download.xx.k.o. There were a few reasons:
* kde3.geniussystems.net was down, and I couldn't get on to WhizNDR-
* k.o is mirrored by most ISPs in Estonia
* (read between the lines on that last one, it's really not hard)
* It was basically the standard location for packages for every
  distribution ... except us.

Personally, I think that's where they should stay. Of course, a perfect
world would see g++ 3.2 in sid and fully transitioned now, but there you

I personally regard KDE2.2 as (largely) irrelevant to Debian, and focus
my (limited) efforts on KDE3 - I've had exams lately (my most recent
one, the Indonesian oral exam, was 1h30m ago, see Advogato's recentlog
if you want to know more about it) and no Internet connection at home.
KDE3.1 is close to being released, and people are already thinking of
KDE3.2 (seeing as 3.1 is branched, and there's a post-3.1 branch ...).

I personally think that, until g++ 3.2 is fully working and transitioned
in sid (yeah, yeah, I know that's slightly backwards, stuff it, I'm
absolutely fucking stuffed here. Dad woke me up at 6:20am. Didn't go
back to sleep, and I was studying till rather late last night. UGH),
KDE3 should be in neither sid, nor experimental. That leaves us with
three options:
* run with a setup akin to k3.g.n
  + IMHO not the right way to go - not enough mirrors, reliability or
    bandwidth; witness my situation with 3.0.3.
* keep using download.xx.k.o
  + not a terribly bad idea, really. Feels sort of perverse putting
    out-of-KDE stuff in there tho
* take Joey up on his suggestion and revive k.d.o
  + probably the best option if we can get it run on gluck, or

So, I believe we should either organize k.d.o on
gluck/klecker/satie/whatever, as Joey said, or maintain the rough status
quo, but unify all the repositories to just be the one repository under
download.xx.k.o. This has the advantage of being fully mirrored, etc. I
don't, however, believe it should be dumped into experimental, partially
for the reasons Ben summed up - it's full of other shit, among other
things. Hopefully KDE3 will be a smooth transition (migration complete
within 4-7 days), and I'd be only too happy to help with it after the
20th of November (well, last exam, and there's going to be a gigantic
party then for obvious reasons, so make it the 21st). I just want to see
it done *right*. As the most-commented story ever on DebianPlanet can
attest to, it's already somewhat of a debacle, so I don't want to see it
dragged out longer, or made worse. I personally believe everyone should
just settle on the one individual option, and leave it at that.

If we can settle on a status quo which is one sources.list line per
user, get all the Debian KDE maintainers (myself, David, Ben,
other-Daniel, Chris, Ralf) to work on that, that would be pretty ace.
I'd even create a site (probably using junpei[1] for simplicity) to
track all of this, and give information, though probably not as
acid-tipped at the XSF.

Apologies if this email seems rambling and incomprehensible; it is. I've
just had one of the most stressful days I've ever had, I've only had 3
hours' sleep, thanks to Dad, and I'm leaving in under 5 minutes to go to
the pub and drown myself in beer, and get absolutely shitcaned in pool.
Hopefully you all get the idea.


[1]: http://www.trinity.unimelb.edu.au/~dstone/junpei/

(This rambling piece of crap doesn't necessarily reflect the opinions of
 Trinity, blah blah etc etc wank wank).

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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