I run Debian unstable with KDE 3.1b2 from shakti.cx and upgrade nightly.

I can look at a web page (say www.slashdot.org) in Konqueror side-by-side
with Galeon, and the output from Konqueror is a poor comparison to the
output of the Mozilla engine.  Is this a byproduct of the
seemingly-more-accurate Mozilla engine?

Fonts are clearer, cleaner, and printed levelly in Galeon while in Konqueror
text can be badly rendered and seem like a sample of messy block printing.
In Konqueror any text, especially titles, is often rendered so that the text
is fuzzy and each letter is at a different height on the line.  Such uneven
lettering is most unattractive.

Can anyone recommend a method to increase the clarity of Konqueror

Comments are appreciated,


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