
Firstly, i want to thank you for your work on kde debian packages. I have some proposals regarding these, but my posts to debian-kde@lists.debian.org were overseen for some reason :(.

IMHO there is bug in kdemultimedia packages. There is a set of libraries included in artsbuilder, together with all *.mcopclass files for kdemultimedia. I'm not sure, but i think they are used by at least noatun, as it refused to start without them. Probably not all are needed though (it complained about missing noatun::session or something). Just FYI.

Another thing is more important from my point of view. You use multitude of *.install files, each with hardcoded list of files for given package. I think i have better solution. I created perl script (dh_splitinstall) to sort out files using regexp filter. First it gathers as much info about files as possible (from make install output, *.la files and target directory), and builds list of all files. It reads in list of overrides from *.inst_over files (same syntax as *.install) and removes these from list. Then it parses simple control file, containing the filtering rules (you can filter on source and destination filename and on permissions/filetype). When file matches rule, it is removed from list (no duplicates can occur) and written into target .install file. If you want to look at it, download http://yenar.host.sk/download/kde-debian-20021110.tar.gz, the files to look for are: kde/dh_splitinstall and kde/_patches/splitinstall/*. The kde/mksplit script can generate rough splitinstall skeleton for package. Others may be worth look, but are mostly related to build process or woody adaptations.

I have already converted most of common kde modules to use this (kdebase, kdemultimedia, kdepim, kdeedu, koffice, kdeadmin, koffice, kdenetwork, kdeutils and kdegraphics) and they work well on my woody box. Please, consider using this in cvs (probably after kde-in-sid is complete).

Last thing: why is libdb2-dev preferred over libdb3-dev? As kdeadmin build-depends on librpm4-dev (?) which in turns needs libdb3-dev (conflicting with libdb2-dev) on my woody, it seems to be only hassle to me. If it is so and there is no reason against libdb3-dev, please consider using it in kde. Thanks.


PS: Please reply, even if it will be fully negative, because the silence is frustrating... I'm trying to contribute, but if i get no feedback, i don't know if it is worth the effort.

inetname: Yenar Calentaure
realname: Peter Rockai
    mail: yenar(at)host.sk
homepage: http://yenar.host.sk
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