> There used to be a packages called kmozilla which provided this

 KMozilla : That's the keyword !
 I've found that it was removed a year ago as mozilla was removed from 
unstable due to non-building on ARM (or something like that).
 As KDE didn't make it into Debian before Woody, it isn't in the Debian 
archive ; and Progeny does not seem to have it in its archive :-\

 Thanks for the answer anyway !

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc - Clé PGP : 0F33E837
- Combien faut-il de Fils de Dieu pour changer une Ampoule ? 
- Le problème n'est pas là. Un seul suffit largement. La question est 
surtout de savoir quoi faire des 5999 
ampoules en surnombre après la multiplication miraculeuse du modèle 
original, ressucité comme il se doit. 

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