
Last time I looked: KDE wanted about 20M, kpackage ate up over 25M...
it would be pretty tough to use kpackage on a 32M box without tons of
swapping everytime focus moves to a new window (yes, it could take
awhile for the swapping to stop; once you are out of RAM, every
little process that wants to run will result in swapping--including
the commands that need to run to shutdown the app that is eating up

I would avoid using kpackage 'til I could scare up some more RAM.

- Bruce

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Laura Rudmin wrote:

> Hi,
>    I have a Debian Sid Pentium, and KDE 3.0.4 and KDM.  I have a 32
> MByte machine, with about 256 Mbytes swap.
>    I have noticed what *might* be a bug, or might just be bad design
> somewhere... I don't know.
>    Anyhow, in KDE, if I open two or three memory-intensive programs,
> such as Mozilla + kpackage, or Mozilla+Konquerer (several windows), I
> suddenly find my hard disk running all the time.  This continues, even
> if I close the applications.  It's like, once the swap gets activated,
> it never stops swapping, and never spins down.  At that point, I can
> count on 5-10% of normal speed from then on, for *everything*.
>    That continues, even if I shutdown KDE and try to log on as a
> different user.  Eventually, it seems that I have to shutdown the
> machine, though  I haven't yet tried just shutting down X and KDM and
> just running from the command line.
>    Anyhow, I'm not even sure what this is classified as (-bug, -design
> request, or what) , or where  (Debian? KDE?  X?).  Nor do I know if this
> is a known issue.  So I figured, why not first bounce this up to
> debian-kde, and see if anyone knows about this.  From there, we can
> figure out where to send it next.

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