On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 11:17:09PM +1100, Ben Burton scrawled:
> > It should be possible to build debian packages straight out of CVS. You may 
> > have issues with some modules, but as we are currently in a feature freeze, 
> > there should be no problems with files being moved around, breaking the 
> > builds. 
> Well.. that's what I'd thought too. :)
> Peter Hawkins just pointed out to me a build failure in kdeaddons
> resulting from one of the noatun plugins being pulled out of the release
> several days ago.

I'm infrequently scp'ing Peter's debs across from his build machine
(which is about 10m from where I am now), and they work fine. :)

Daniel Stone         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer - http://kopete.kde.org, http://www.kde.org

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