On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 06:04:37PM +0100, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:

> There is no fixed RC4 release in the CVS, since it is not separately tagged. 
> At least as far as I can see. Instead it is continuously updated, and it is 
> thus more of a CVS snapshot than a release candidate. The question with that 
> is always when to make the snapshot? The separately packed RC4 snapshot is 
> read protected, for some reason.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 01:06:27AM -0700, James Richard Tyrer wrote:

> Dirk Mueller wrote:
> >Hi, 
> >
> >CVS HEAD is open for commits again for KDE 3.2 release. 
> >
> I must say that I am not happy to hear this.
> I still am unable to compile three packages in KDE_3_1_0_RELEASE.
> <irony> So, we won't really concern ourselves with the bugs in the 
> current release which won't even compile, we will just rush on with new 
> features. </irony>
> I would like to suggest that I feel that this model of the development 
> tree is WRONG -- that it contributes to buggy code.  Yes I know that 
> many projects do it that way -- and many projects produce buggy code.
> First I would like to suggest that we take a pause here.  Release 3.1.0 
> has a certain significance when compared to the competition: Windows. 
> It was after that release that Windows went into feature bloat and 
> change for the sake of change and never mind fixing the bugs.  It 
> finally reached the point before the release (or escape) of Windows 2000 
> that the code was such a mess that nobody understood how it was supposed 
> to work and a programmer with a phD in CS was assigned to try to fix it. 
>  He and a team of professional programmers were unable to do the job.
> My point is that we should be very careful not to in any way repeat the 
> mistakes of MicroSoft Windows.
> As I understand the current model, the release is branched off and 
> becomes the less important while HEAD continues immediately with new 
> development and becomes the more important. I see this as the first 
> problem.  The current release should be the more important and work on a 
> future release should be the less important.
> One model I have seen is simply not to branch the current release for a 
> certain period of time with new features being worked on separately to 
> be  integrated into the current HEAD at the end of this post release 
> development pause.  What I see as the most advantageous part of this is 
> the bugs do NOT need to be fixed twice -- that the new features are 
> added to the release after a period of bug fixing.
> I would like to see this method made somewhat permanent.  That the 
> current release remains HEAD until it is decided that the final minor 
> release has been made and only then is it branched off.  Until that time 
> all new features would be in a temporary branch and would have to be 
> based on the new release.
> And, yes I know that this would make it more difficult to add new 
> features, but would also make it easier to fix the bugs.  And, would 
> also require that the bugs be fixed in the current release.
> Whether it is with commercial software or open source software, users do 
> not like to hear that the bug has been fixed (or will be fixed) in the 
> next major release.  They should not hear that.  Major releases are for 
> new features NOT for bug fixes.
> So, that is my manifesto.  I would appreciate it if I received no 
> arrogant and flippant comments about this.  They do not in any way 
> promote a useful discussion.
> I also wanted to make a note here so that everyone that reads this will 
> know:  I am a professional programmer retired on disability.  I studied 
> Electrical Engineering & Computer Science in college.  There is much 
> that I do not know about the KDE project.  But I know a lot more about 
> computer programing than some of the self taught hackers that have been 
> telling me that I don't know anything (yes that is an arogrant remark). 
>  I don't appreciate it and you only make fools of yourself doing it.
> --
I reported this msg from kde-devel just to underline that, IMMO,
your doubts about KDE's development model are not echoes in the


If Linux is not Unix then Windows are not Gates
                         Anonymous, XXI Century

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