> I just grepped the last four months of this list and you know how many
> instances of people.debian.org/~ccheney I find? ONE. This one.

I believe what you want to do is visit
http://webcvs.kde.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/kdefoobar/debian and look
through the CVS logs.  You'll see there's a lot more people actively
working on these packages (e.g., calc) than have actually passed by
your radar. ;-)

I'm actually happier to have just one or two download sites (e.g.,
Ralf's and Karolina's) with everything on them, since there's fewer
apt-lines to keep track of and less chance for everything to be built
under inconsistent environments and break in strange and unusual ways.
I don't publish binary packages for the modules I maintain for this very


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