On Saturday 18 Jan 2003 8:27 pm, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> I've updated the packages again due to that Matze found out that apparently
> it doesn't work with libgcrypt-1.1.11 but requires 1.1.10. Also please make
> sure that you *don't*  use any of the original packages from unstable in
> conjunction with the aegypten stuff, but my packages. That makes it easier
> to track down any problems. Especially those are:
> libgcrypt
> cryptplug
> gpgme

Ok, i now have your versions of the above package and all the packages in the 
aegyption directory on ktown, and rebooted to make sure i get new clean 
gpg-agent etc running. I still get exactly the same errors about not having a 

Any more ideas? Would you like to see any of my configs/.gnupg directory 


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