I Know there is one from Seagate which is specially designed for silence. Must 
be hardly possible to tell if its spinning or not.

Can't remember the model name though. 
think it was 80 GB.

greets Benny

On Saturday 18 January 2003 16:03, Roland Wegmann wrote:
> Hello
> I have in mind to buy a new harddrive (100-120GB). On this Harddrive I
> will store all my private videos and sound. Further I will connect this
> Harddrive (in an external firewire case) with my hi-fi unit or my TV set
> via my iBook (playing sound or movies) and therefore the harddisk should
> be very quiet.
> Do you have any tips about or experience of quiet harddrives (3.5")?
> Please answer to me directly (see below)!
> Kind regards,
> Roland Wegmann

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