On Sunday 19 January 2003 04:44 am, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> On Sonntag, 19. Januar 2003 10:25, Caitrin Torres wrote:
> > How do I get Konqueror to act as a web browser when it encounters .txt
> > files? I've managed to get it set so that .txt files at least open up in
> > Konqueror itself instead of launching KWrite separately, but it's using
> > the embedded text editor. What I would like to happen is for Konqueror to
> > display .txt files in the same way it displays html files so that I can
> > do things like use the space bar to page through the document as I do
> > with html files. I've been experimenting with settings in file
> > associations but haven't hit on the right combination yet. If it's
> > relevant, I'm using the KDE 3.1 debs for Woody from Ralf.
> bugs.kde.org, konqueror, wishlist :-)

You might approach this wishlist bug from the point of view of "I would like 
KWrite to page-down when spacebar is pressed in read-only mode".  I am not 
familiar with the KWrite code, but I have a feeling that would be a simpler 
and more elegant solution (and more likely to be implemented) than writing a 
whole new kpart.  (Plus this way you would get to have syntax highlighting 
and other nice kwrite features in your "text viewer").

Nathaniel W. Turner
Tel: +1 508 579 1948 (mobile)

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