I was fiddling around a bit more with this, and have found a solution of
sorts. I created a new user, and when I logged in, the disk access problem
did not occur. So, I removed the ~/.kde folder for existing users, and this
too solved the problem. This means I lost most of my settings, but the disk
access problem is gone.

There must be some setting in 3.0 that causes the disk access problem with
3.1. I am not sure how to figure out what setting that might be, though...


> Hash: SHA1
> Bruce, I asked the same question a couple of months ago and someone
> responded  to me (I am using XFS) saying that with reiser it was
> happening to people who  had noatime set on the partition. It's not an
> "ICE" problem as far as I can  tell, but it sure is annoying. It
> happened to me when I upgraded to 3.1 from  3.0. It's been doing it ever
> since and I've given up trying to figure out  why. Maybe someone out
> there has a fix? I'll sure be glad to help get rid of  the problem
> again...
> Now that I've said all that. lemme go check on the ICE thing.....
> Corey
> On Monday 20 January 2003 10:46, Bruce wrote:
>> Here is the .xsession-errors file, just after logging in:
>>  startkde: Starting up...
>>  _KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
>> mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE,
>> overriding _IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to
>> root
>>  mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE,
>> overriding klipper is already running!
>>  WARNING: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalogue. Fix the program
>> WARNING: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalogue. Fix the program
>> If I check again in a couple of minutes, the last line will be
>> repeated a few more times (seems to be about one new line every 30
>> seconds or so is added to the file).
>> I googled the last line and couldn't find anything that gave any hints
>> to me.
>> The only other thing I can think of is that I reinstalled my truetype
>> fonts using the kcontrol modul; I think that it may have been after
>> this that the constant disk access started.
>> Bruce
>> On Monday 20 January 2003 05:02, Jens Benecke wrote:
>> > On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 11:59:51PM -0500, Bruce wrote:
>> > > I am running Debian on a (mostly) woody system, an HP Pavillion
>> n5425 laptop, Athlon 900, 384Mb RAM, reiserfs. I've been running
>> Debian on the system for about 6 months.  However, one strange
>> thing has started happening - constant disk access. Only
>> >
>> > Have look in .xsession-errors in your $HOME. Does this file keep
>> growing?  Perhaps there's a daemon running wild and spewing out
>> error messages (e.g. artsd or whatever).
> - --
> Corey Kovacs                       "I know not with what weapons World
> War III Computer Science                   will be fought, but World War
> IV will be DePauw University.                  fought with sticks and
> stones." 765.658.4761                                              -
> Albert Einstein -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
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> =SBA/

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