On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 12:11:48AM +0000, Nick Boyce wrote:

> I tried switching to the Mach64 Xserver from Xfree 3.3.6, which I
> thought might make the GL screensavers all work better but instead
> even those which had worked slowly ceased to work at all.

There is a hardware accelareted Xserver for the Mach64 chip. It is
still considered experimental and it is not in the official XFree4
branch, but I use it for quite some time now and I never experienced
any problems lately. Unreal Tournement and Quake3 work fine with this
Xserver and it is also possible to install Gatos drivers for hardware
accelareted video (to watch DVDs). Have a look at 


Some of the really advanced GL screen servers are still slow, but some
work quite well. There are both binary modules and the source for this
Xserver available.


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