
OK I'll bite.  What package has konqueror.desktop in it?
My Woody 3.1 partition doesn't have it.  What's a good 
way to check for inclusion of that file?  I've tried
grep konqueror.desktop * in my 130MB Sid /var/cache/apt/archives
directory but that didn't find it. 

But the problem is not a system stopper.  I start Konqueror from 
a run command and that is fine. 


On Monday 03 February 2003 at 10:36 am, Craig Dickson wrote:
> Joseph Reagle wrote:
> > >That's probably the konqueror.desktop missing file problem.
> > >I have fixed that problem.
> >
> > I just upgraded to from kde 3.1.0rc6 to kde 3.1.0 and have this
> > problem presently.
> I fixed it for myself by extracting the konqueror.desktop file from
> the rc6 package and copying it to /usr/share/services.


> Craig
Michael Hoodes            Seattle, WA

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