On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 01:23:25PM +0000, Nick Leverton wrote:
> I'm running Ralf's ktown KDE3.1 under Debian Testing, and I have a problem
> with web pages which explicitly specify "arial" as the font.  The problem
> is that ordinary text displays fixed at some default size, yet bold text
> displays at the correct size.  http://www.leverton.org/test.html shows
> it up.  Arial, as far as I know, is the version from msttcorefonts
> (though I do have Abiword installed).
> I also find that extended characters are displayed wrongly, for instance
> copyright (©) is displayed as the Spanish upside-down-questionmark
> and most accented characters come up as something else entirely.
> All used to be fine in KDE2.2.2.  Other fonts than Arial appear fine.
> If I show the same pages in Mozilla (v1.0.0) then it displays fine.  So I
> guess the problem may be in khtml's rendering in KDE3.1 ?  Especially
> sinze Quanta also exhibits the same problem.  Can anyone else reproduce
> this ?

I've put up a test page at http://www.leverton.org/test.html which
demonstrates (with screenshots) the problem.  I'd be grateful if a few
people could find time to look at it and see whether they also get the
incorrect rendering of Arial under Konq 3.1 on Testing.


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