Op Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:51:42 -0600
Toan T Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef:
> I really need kpilot and korganizer. But these packages seem to be
> ignored in sid. Does anybody know why? Is it safe to download the
> source from kde.org and compile it myself (this would be the last
> resort because I'm not very familiar with compiling large programs).
I compiled KDEPIM with the source packages of ktown.
This works good over here

Rob Lensen

    **> Never let a computer see you hurry. <**

  __  /*-    Rob Lensen    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    -*\  __
  \ '/          Enschede, The Netherlands                \' /
  \/            http://www.bsdfreaks.nl                       \/

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