On 18.Feb 2003 - 00:47:15, Daniel Haas wrote:
> Hello!
> Today I heard about kmozilla, and that it is possible to use mozilla's 
> rendering engine gecko inside konqueror. -So I installed kmozilla via apt-get 
> and all necessary dependencies. I heard from previous postings to this 
> mailing list, that kmozilla should not be run stand alone. So I clicked on an 
> .html file inside konqueror and chose preview with -> KMOZILLA . Konqueror 
> tried to embed something but it did not show anything. I only got the status 
> bar in the middle of the document, where the html file was supposed to be.
> So my question is: How do I get this to work? Also, which version of mozilla 
> do i need? (there are no dependencies in the kmozilla package, btw. I have 
> mozilla 1.0 installed on sarge)


I've got exactly the same problem here, also using mozilla 1.0.0 from
woody but I've compiled KDE 3.1 myself using konstruct. Sorry that I
cannot help you and me, but I think that it is to some extent important
that it seems this problem does not neccessarily depend on Ralf's


Wer alles bloß des Geldes wegen tut, wird bald des Geldes wegen alles tun.
                -- Italien

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