Am Sonntag, 23. Februar 2003 09:13 schrieb Robert:
> So those who have already installed the other version may need to
> remove them to install the official kdepim debs when they come out.
>  Or wait for 4:3.1.0-2. ;)
> Again, the deb line is:
> deb ./
> By all reports these debs appear to work well.

Hello Robert,

Thank you for these packages.
I got problems to compile them from the sourcepackages myself.

I got a few problems with whitespace in my /etc/apt/preferences during 
installation. I got unmet dependencies or 
E: Invalid record in the preferences file, no Package header

My preferences now look like this and works for me:

# cat /etc/apt/preferences
Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 999

#Pin: origin  #^-- important: empty line here
#Pin-Priority: 999                    #v-- important: without an empty 
                                              #                      line here
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 333

See also

Thank you again, now I got access to my addressbook.

kind regards


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